Posted tagged ‘macaroni’

The candyman can… and he should!

February 3, 2009

Blondie sent me something interesting from Grub Street today… Tasty, thirst-quenching, mouth-watering, breath-freshening bubble gum. Well, not just any kind of bubble gum… Meatball Bubble Gum! I was really excited about this… that is… until I found out that they are merely pieces of bubble gum shaped like meatballs, and unfortunately, not flavored like them.

That's a spicy piece a'gum!

That's a spicy piece a'gum!

Oh the possibilities… A Bragiole blow pop? Some Macaroni Macaroons? Tortellini Taffy? Gnocchi Gumdrops? Non-Peril Parmigiana? Willy Wonka, where are you when we need ya?